Sircal Rare Gas Purifier & Rare Gas Dryer Questions
- What is rare gas purifier?
The MP-2000 Rare Gas Purifier is a standalone unit for the purification of argon or any rare gas: helium, neon, xenon and krypton. It offers a compact system for delivery of purified gas directly to the point of use.
- How do you use a gas purifier?
The purifier contains two reactive getter tubes and a molecular sieve drier tube housed in a cabinet for immediate use. Just plug into the local AC power supply, connect the gas and purge the lines, turn on the power and you are up and running. - How does a self-sealing gas purifier work?
Easy to use self-sealing plug-in gas connections ensure the user cannot leave the purifier open to air contamination when the purifier is disconnected from its feed gas. - What is the MP-2000 Gas Purifier?
The MP-2000 is a stand-alone unit for the purification of argon or any of the other rare gases: helium, neon, xenon and krypton. It offers a compact system for delivery of purified gas directly to the point-of-use. The purifier contains two reactive getter tubes and a molecular sieve drier tube housed in a cabinet for immediate use. Just plug into the local AC power supply, connect the gas and purge the lines, turn on the power and you are up and running. - Which gas purifiers are available?
What is a rarefied gas?
It concentrates on the heat transfer through the electrically neutral nonreacting gases. The effects of ionization, dissociation, etc., that may arise in high-speed high temperature gas flows are not considered. The term “rarefied” means that the molecular mean free path is not small compared to a characteristic dimension. The parameter that describes the degree of rarefaction is the Knudsen number. In defining the Knudsen number, it is important to select the appropriate characteristic mean free path and length. - What are rare gases?
The rare gases, also known as the noble gases or the inert gases, are a group of six gaseous elements found in small amounts in the atmosphere: helium (He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe), and radon (Rn). Collectively they make up about one percent of Earth’s atmosphere. They were discovered by scientists near the end of the nineteenth century, and because they were so unreactive were initially called the inert gases. Although rare gases is used often to describe these elements, they are only rare in abundance relative to other gases found in the atmosphere of Earth. - Why are quality and efficiency important in the production of rare gases?
How do you make sure you are ordering right purifier tubes for your Sircal Rare Gas Purifier?
All you need to do: - Check the serial number (S/N) of your Sircal purifier.
A 6-digit S/N system would be the original
purifier which requires:
i. Titanium tube P4013
ii. Copper oxide tube P4014
iii. Molecular sieve tube P4015 -
A 10-digit S/N system would be the MP-2000
purifier which requires:
i. Titanium tube P4003
ii. Copper oxide tube P4004
iii. Molecular sieve tube P4005
The life span of the purifier tubes can be calculated by the method explained in the instruction manual.
- What are MP-2000 Rare Gas Purifier applications?
- Purification of Argon for Arc/Spark Optical Emission Spectroscopy
- Purification of argon and helium carrier gases for low level Gas Chromatographic analysis
- Purification of argon or helium for use as inert gas blankets
- Any application where absolute and reliable gas purity levels are required
- What are the spare parts of Sircal MP-2000 Rare Gas Purifier?
- P4003 : Titanium Tube
- P4004 : Copper Oxide Tube
- P4005 : Molecular Sieve Tube
- P4020 : Gas Side Entry Kit (Type F) – factory fit only
- P402 : Gas Side Entry Kit (Type C) – customer can fit
- P4030 : Pressure Sensor
- P4031 : Stainless Steel Particle Filter
- P4050 : Gas Side Entry Kit with diverter Valve/Flowmeter (Type C )
- P4051 : Gas Side Entry Kit with Diverte Valve/Flowmeter (Type F )
- P1670 :
Wall Mounting Bracket
- What is the PD-2012 Rare Gas Dryer?
The PD-2012 Rare Gas Dryer is a portable standalone unit for drying argon or any rare gas: helium, neon, xenon and krypton, in laboratories or on-site in-line between your gas supply and instrument, e.g. Arc/Spark Optical Emission Spectrometers. It offers a compact, mobile and easy to use solution for removing moisture and carbon dioxide where the test is carried out. - How does rare gas dryer work?
Gas Purifiers, select the appropriate gases: Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Ammonia, CDA (Clean Dry Air), Helium, Argon, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, other gases.
Rare gases are so called because they are present in very small quantities in the air.
Xenon is rare with only 90 gram out of 1 million kilograms of the Earth’s atmosphere. It is commercially extracted only from large air separation plants which produce more than 1,000 tonnes of oxygen per day. Sircal products has efficient purification technologies required to remove impurities like argon and nitrogen which are very inert.
The unit's drying system contains a molecular sieve drier tube housed in a case with in-situ regeneration feature which makes this solution highly cost effective. Self-sealing plug-in gas connections ensure the user cannot leave the system open to air contamination when it is disconnected from its input gas.
No purging or any system preparation required. Just connect the unit with the input gas and downstream instrument at the point of use and you are up and running instantly.
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