Hydrogen Sulfide Gas (H2S)
Hydrogen sulfide gas is a very commonly used toxic gas used in many applications, such as oil and gas, wastewater, and the chemical industry. If you have hydrogen sulfide gas at your facility, and there is a possibility that people could be exposed to that gas, you are required to have sensors in the area of your facility where the H2S is stored.
Hydrogen sulfide gas is formed as a result of bacterial breakdown of organic matter containing sulfur in the absence of oxygen. Natural sources include hot sulfur springs, lakes, swamps and volcanic gas. Human activity can increase the release of hydrogen sulfide and due to it's toxicity, concentrations should be closely monitored.
Hydrogen sulfide gas will be formed whenever sulfur containing compounds come into contact with organic matter at high temperatures. Some of the main industrial sources of hydrogen sulfide emissions include, waste-water treatment plants, landfill sites, farms, wood pulp production and oil refineries. An increase in atmospheric hydrogen sulfide can lead to eye irritation, nausea and shortness of breath. If concentrations continue to increase it can eventually damage the nervous system and result in death.
Technical Library